Emimat Science Rocks!

Chapter 1
Exploring and Classifying Life

Scientific Weights and Measures

Courtesy of Pearson Education
There are two different standards of measurement in the world. They are metric and customary units. The United States uses customary, while almost everyone else in the rest of the world uses metric. The metric system is based on tens, while customary is not based on any particular number. In the metric system there is a standard of weight, grams, and in the customary system the standard is pounds.

 Lab Safety

Courtesy of University of South Carolina
Lab safety is very important. Without it, anything could happen! If you're touching something sharp, and you're not wearing gloves, you could get cut. If you're working with chemicals, and you're not wearing safety goggles, you could get that chemical in your eye. Without lab safety, lab experiments would be extremely dangerous.

The Scientific Method

Coutesy of Science Buddies
The scientific method is a way to solve problems. There are seven steps in the scientific method. The first step is to state the problem. Then you must gather background information. After that, you form a hypothesis, which is an educated guess. After you have formed your hypothesis, you perform experiments. Then you analyze the data from the experiment. Lastly, you draw a conclusion that either does or does not support the hypothesis you formed. If it was supported, you repeat the experiment to make sure the results were accurate. If the hypothesis was not supported, then you revive the hypothesis. You repeat this format until you've found an answer. Lastly, you report the results that you found.